Research on the effect of music on the brain of children has shown that music activates the cerebral cortex, particularly the frontal and occipital areas, which are responsible for spatial-temporal reasoning. Moreover, by evaluating the effects of music by means of EEG recordings, it has been observed that music provokes an alpha-type electrical brain wave. All these discoveries show the following things about music (particularly in respect to classical music composed by Mozart):
- Enhances memory, attention and concentration in children.
- Helps improve the ability to solve math problems and complex reasoning questions.
- Is a means of expression.
- Familiarizes children with the sounds and meanings of words and reinforces learning.
- Offers the opportunity for children to interact to one another and also with the grown-ups.
- Stimulates creativity and imagination in children.
- When combined with dancing, it quickens the senses, supports balance and promotes the development of the muscles.
- Evokes memories and images that enrich the intellect.
- Encourages the overall development of the child, influencing all the areas of development.